We are seeking a new trustee to join the Partnership Foundation’s board

Delaine Foundation News

The Partnership Foundation is looking for a new trustee. 

The Partnership Foundation wants to hear from people with local knowledge and experience who are committed to the aims of the charity. 

We are a regeneration charity aiming to improve the social and economic wellbeing of people and communities in Portsmouth, Gosport, Fareham and Havant. The Foundation works with deprived communities and neglected groups and the organisations that support them.   We have a growing reputation as a grant funding organisation that responds promptly and flexibly to community needs.    

The trusteeships are voluntary with no renumeration.      

We are looking for people with enthusiasm and commitment who will broaden the diversity of thinking on our board.  

Individual trustees need to show understanding and empathy for the charity’s objects.  This could be through lived experience and continued interest in the needs of diverse communities.   

Applicants need not have previous experience as a trustee, as this can be learnt.   

  • Trustees are appointed for a 3-year term of office, renewal for 1 further term to a maximum of 6 years. 
  • This is a voluntary position, but reasonable expenses can be reimbursed. 
  • The main duties will be to attend 4 annual board meetings.     

For more information or to discuss the role please contact Martin Dennison:   

Email:  martin.dennison@the-partnership.co.uk 

Tel:  07739500752