The Foundation’s trustees, recognising increasing levels of need across the
UK, have invested further funds for local foodbanks and pantries this winter.
People relying on foodbanks has increased steadily, and sharply during the past 3
years. According to Statista, the pandemic, and the consequent ‘cost of living crisis’
has increased this need critically, from “2.56 million in 2021-2022 to 2.99 million in
2022-23.” The Partnership Foundation, who had previously donated £50,000, distributed via
The Hive to 22 local foodbanks and pantries last winter (which significantly improved
access to healthy food for families and people in poverty), have approved a further
£44,000 at their recent Board meeting. The trustees recognised the urgent need
being met by these local agencies, working across SE Hants, and have prioritised
these funds in response to the food emergency.
They have also approved seven new community projects with an overall value of
£5000, addressing ‘homelessness’, ‘food poverty’, ‘recreation’ and ‘young people’.
The website is the portal for applications to the fund, which is open to community
groups working right across SE Hants, and especially those working to alleviate
poverty and homelessness, and/or supporting young people.
More information, an online application, guidance, and news updates are available